首页    烟雾探测器    VESDA    Xtralis VESDA 威士达 VES系列 极早期吸入式烟感探测器(可寻址ASD) VESDA-E VES

Xtralis VESDA 威士达 VES系列 极早期吸入式烟感探测器(可寻址ASD) VESDA-E VES





VESDA-E VES系列包含VES-A00-P, VES-A10-P等,具体规格请和管理员联系。


The VESDA-E VES is similar to the flagship VESDA-E VEP aspirating smoke detector but also includes a valve mechanism in the inlet manifold and software to control the airflow from the four Sectors (pipes). This configuration enables a single zone to be divided into four separate sectors, for example, distinguishing between separate aisles within a data room. The VES enables the user to locate the source of smoke by identifying the first sector to reach the Alert level. The detector then continues to sample from all sectors to monitor fire growth and will report separate alarm levels for each sector. The VES provides four individually configurable alarm levels (Alert, Action, Fire 1 and Fire 2) for each sector allowing optimum protection in a wide range of applications. Built on the Flair detection technology and years of application experience, VES detectors achieve consistent performance over their lifetime via absolute calibration. In addition, the VES delivers a range of revolutionary features that provide user value.



  • Sector addressability for up to four sectors
  • Adaptive scan threshold
  • Flair detection technology delivers reliable very early warning in a wide range of environments with minimal nuisance alarms
  • Short wavelength laser-based detection:
    • High sensitivity from small particle light scattering
    • No drift compensation required since focused light directed at target gives low backgrounds
    • High stability with temperature and time
  • Multi stage filtration and optical protection with clean air barriers ensures lifetime detection performance
  • Four configurable alarm levels per sector and a wide sensitivity range deliver optimum protection for the widest range of applications
  • Intuitive LCD display provides instant status information for immediate response
  • Flow fault thresholds per port accommodate varying airflow conditions
  • Smart on-board filter retains dust count and remaining filter life for predictable maintenance
  • Extensive event log (20,000 events) for event analysis and system diagnostics
  • AutoLearn™ smoke and flow for reliable and rapid commissioning
  • Backward compatible with VLS and VESDAnet
  • Ethernet for connectivity with Xtralis software for configuration, secondary monitoring and maintenance
  • USB for PC configuration, and firmware upgrade using a memory stick
  • Two programmable GPIs (1 monitored) for flexible remote control
  • Field replaceable sub-assemblies enable faster service and maximum uptime


[  认证  ]



[  声明  ]

• 具体参数会根据产品的升级做相应的调整,如有更改不另做通知,参数请以实物沟通为准




